The Company

LIPHE is a Water technology, innovation, development, production and marketing company. We are involved in the creation and integration of Air to Water harvesting machines for easy access to everyone and everywhere.

Our technology is inspired by nature and the system of condensation. Air is sucked in  and converted to water which is filtered and collected by our technology.  We concentrate on providing renewable, sustainable, clean and fresh water for all people anywhere there is air. We provide water from the most abundant substance on earth and replenish it as water never goes to waste. Water  always recycles 

itself on earth from one state to another as Solid, Liquid and gas.

Meet The Team

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Ogaga A Palmer
Founder CEO/CTO

O A Palmer is Founder CEO of Liphe Water. He is as well the CEO of Lord Technologies, a technology business in Information and Computers systems in Nigeria and Ghana.  Director of Lyon Bay Ent Ghana. Presently the inventor and innovator of the Water from Air system and principles for which Liphe Water company is built on. Focus now is on  renewable and sustainable systems and machines for Water, Hydrogen and Electricity for off grid use.


Regina Kate Otoo



Kevin Mako, CEO
Mako Design+Invent. Engineering Team

Mako Design and Invent, is an End To-End Physical Product Development for Startups and Businesses.
Founders of the S.M.A.R.T. Product Development model for newproduct development.
Building the Best Version of Inventions.
Its a pioneer firm of this industry, Super-friendly designers who are great people, a Complete end-to-end product development, Actual top calibre design talent, Heavily modernized and improved design process. Using state of the art
software, top designers, cloud management, and a development library of almost 1,500 products designed, Mako now makes product development streamlined, logical, efficient, and to a very high calibre, all at startup level costs.
Not only has Mako won over 30 awards, but many of the really prestigious and difficult to win ones such as Red Dot, Inc5000, Growth500, Entrepreneur360, Best Design Firm in North America, and so on. This is even more impressive when you consider that we won all these general industrial design industry awards despite focusing exclusively on business clients, include, Borbardier, BMW, Bose,.The Result: Low Cost, High Quality, Trusted, & Efficient. 

Board of Directors


Olu Olugbamila
Non Executive Director

Olu Olugbamila is the CEO of MBSS LIMITED, he is a Chartered Accountant, a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN). He has over
30 years experience spanning Audit, Management Consulting, Finance and the Construction Industry. He was in charge (Finance
& Admin) in G. Cappa Plc and JKN Limited, both major players in the Construction Industry and Engineering Services sector
respectively for a cumulative period of more than a decade.
Olu has also been a Non-Executive Director of Snow Microfinance Bank Limited since its inception in 2008. He has served in
every major Board Committee including Credit & Risk Management, IT and Audit.
He was also a Council Member of the Federation of Construction Industry (FOCI) from 2016 to 2018. He brings to the table in
his work unparalleled industry knowledge in Management Consulting, Financial & Project Management, Construction and
Engineering Services.

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Ogaga Alex Palmer

O A Palmer is Founder CEO of Liphe Water. He is as well the CEO of Lord Technologies, a technology business in Information and Computers systems in Nigeria and Ghana.  Director of Lyon Bay Ent Ghana. Presently the inventor and innovator of the Water from Air system and principles for which Liphe Water company is built on. Focus now is on  renewable and sustainable systems and machines for Water, Hydrogen and Electricity for off grid use.

Core Values

They usher our employees in every way, and are the core driver and foundation of our culture.

We invite you to learn more about each of our ten Core Values:

Customer Centric > We listen to our customers in order to know their problems so as to provide them with permanent solutions that that make their lives better, like a little child with a candy for the very first time and be excited about life again. We build trust by converting every customer into part of our family.

Stronger Together > We work as a collective and move decisively in the same direction. We leverage our global diversity and complement each other’ skillsets and strengths in building a world we will be proud to leave to the next generation.

One Step Ahead > We create smart, sustainable, reliable, and immediate future solutions that are innovative and they provide future centric living environments for our customers. We continually move in the direction of our strengths to be one step ahead.

Reliable > Our word is our bond. We deliver on every promise made to our customers and stakeholders.

Care   > We are responsible to our colleagues, consumers, brands, our society and our environment.

Simplicity > We work hard to be clear in what we do and say and we remain consistent, this helps us make decisions quickly and be pragmatic and focused on what’s essential.

Courage > We have bold objectives, we pounce, we learn from our mistakes and take up every challenge as an opportunity to advance.

Integrity > We hold ourselves to the highest esteem that is why we conduct our business responsibly, ethically and lawfully. We are personally accountable for our work, practicing transparency, honesty and truthfulness and we treat everyone with great respect.

Creativity > We are forward thinking, spontaneous, innovative and creative in all that we think, say and do. Every idea from a cleaner to c level of the organization is taken to consideration no matter who it came from and we encourage the value of multiple perspectives and diverse expertise. We hire the best of the best in order to promote sustainable developmental learning.

Perseverance > We have been through different phases that were meant to break us but we remain steadfast in our belief that Agilitee is a societal necessity. We relay what we seek to achieve and we do that with clarity and conviction. We are relentless in our continuous pursuit to improve ourselves in order to respond vigorously to change and what it brings. We are long-term oriented but we cater for our short-term goals so well that it doesn’t affect our vision.

Achievement > We win all the time, we do it with the highest standards and for every milestone achieved we pause and celebrate. We develop and cultivate internal talent as it affords us an opportunity to promote from within and we are driven, swift and very disciplined in decision making and execution.